MetalsMining is a weekly newsletter providing comprehensive and thorough approach to the metallurgy news in Russia and other countries of the СIS.
Each publication highlights the most significant events in different sectors of the metallurgy industry, such as:
- Precious Metals & Gems
- Base Metals
- Other Metals & Coal
The separate part of the publication covers the events of the state regulatory agencies and legislation developments. The newsletter also provides a view on metallurgy companies' M&A deals, financial results, and activities on the capital markets.
The analytical part of the weekly edition contains a deep insight into the most up-to-date topics thrilling the markets
The MetalsMining wraps up with weekly metallurgy stock movements complemented by brief comments of stock market analysts and the list of upcoming events.
The news can be also viewed online at gold.prime-tass.com
The Weekly Review comes out on Mondays.
Phone: +7 495 974 7664 ext. 217
E-mail: E.Skorchenko@1prime.ru
Contact person: Evgenia Skorchenko